Living a Life That’s Lit

It will come a time when you will become conscious of what gets you lit, which means being truly happy and at peace. When you begin to walk in your purpose, you get to stay lit all of the time. You already know deep down inside the things that make you happy. Life happens, and outside forces try to keep you from doing what would bring you the most joy. From this moment forward you are going to maintain and protect your happiness. The time is now to light your internal fire like its never been before. To do so, you must choose your goal of what will make you happy, and this is your burning desire, you must have faith that your burning desire will manifest into this realm of reality, and a plan of action items for you to take to speed up the manifestation process.

Your burning desire is essential because without it you have no target for which you are aiming. Being lit is definitely out of the question if you do not settle upon a burning desire. Go deep within yourself to get in touch with what truly satisfies you. The things that bring you the most joy are closely related to your purpose. No one can answer this for you but you. Your happiness is your responsibility, and you must protect it if you want to keep it.

Faith is vital for the manifestation of your burning desire. Having faith is knowing that you will have whatever your burning desire may be. It is more than just believing. When it is present, you can feel the object you wish being had in the present and right now. When your faith is so strong that you can see it in your mind, you are most definitely getting lit. It will only be a matter of time before you will receive the burning desire that you decided. Your faith should drive you to take action.

Planning allows you to know what actions you are going to take to reach your goal. Having a plan should light a fire in you because with time and the continuous effort you are putting in working your plan. It also gives you a role to play in the manifestation process while your faith is drawing your burning desire closer to you. The bible says that faith without works is dead. I believe that to mean that faith alone will not manifest your desires. Once you have faith, it will make you plan out what you want to do to help make your burning desire a reality.

Again, the time is now to light your internal fire like its never been before. To do so, you must choose your goal of what will make you happy, and this is your burning desire, you must have faith that your burning desire will manifest into this realm of reality, and a plan of action items for you to take to speed up the manifestation process. I hope this has been helpful to you and you can apply this and live your best lit life.

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