What Do You Desire?

Have you ever taken the time to think about how you would like to live your life? Do you believe that you will live the life that you want? Are your actions in alignment with living the life you want?

People that achieve success thought about where they wanted to be before getting there. It is highly imperative to be able to know what you want. Without knowing where you want to go, you will end up drifting through life without a clear direction. Everyone can choose the path in which they want to go in life. Not everyone takes advantage of this ability. Once you have decided on how you will live your life, keep that thought in your mind. Let that thought be the road map to get you to living the life you have chosen to live. Things to think about could be, “what do I want to do for a living?”, “how do I want to dress?” “where do I want to live?” “how do I want to eat?” “how much money do I want to make?” “who do I want to help?”, etc. 

People that achieve success believe that they will live the life of their choosing. They have a level of faith, knowing that their desired life will be a reality. Being able to believe that your life will be the way that you thought it would be adding energy to the thought. Combining the power of faith to a dream makes both the idea and belief stronger. Believe that you will get all of the things that you desire in time. Some of your desires will come to you faster than others. Find ways to renew your belief for the attractions that will take more time to actualize. 

People that achieve success actions are consistently aligning with the life they choose to live. Successful people are always doing things that will get them closer to their desires. When you have mixed thoughts with belief, the next step would be to take action moving in the direction of your dreams. It would help if you started doing some things that you have not done in the past as well as stop doing some things that might hold you back. You might start listening to audios that help grow your thoughts and belief and stop watching negative television programming. Small changes lead to the momentum that will get you living your desired life. 

Hopefully, this has been valuable. I hope it helps with determining what your true desires are. I hope it helps keep the faith that you will have all that you desire. I hope it helps motivate you to take the necessary actions that will have you living your dreams. 

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Focus On The Flame

There is a reason you chose the goal you have set for yourself. Remember this reason during the tough times that will come while you are on the journey of accomplishing what you have set out to achieve. Your burning desire has a flame that you must stay focused on and make sure that it is protected and does not go out. Keeping the fire lit requires you to focus on why you are doing what you are doing, focus on your desired result, and in the end, you will be an example for others.

Focusing on why you are doing what you are doing will keep you motivated and the flame of your burning desire lit. Whether you want to have free time for family or want the means to provide for your family or want to stunt on people, it will drive you to achieve what you have set out to do. Hopefully, you are doing what you are doing for honorable purposes. Whatever the purpose may be, staying focused on it will keep the fire alive within you to manifest your desires.

Focusing on your desired result involves using your imagination and visualizing yourself in the state of having accomplished your goal. See yourself at all of the important life events of your family and not have to worry about needing to ask for time off from your job. Imagine yourself being the provider of all of your families needs and a lot of their wants as well. Visualize yourself living a life that outsiders may perceive as stunting, but the ones that know understand that you are just living your life by the terms that you have set for yourself.

When you begin living the life that you have always wanted, and other people see you living life happily, you become an example for others. Be proud to be the example and be willing to share the things that you have learned that helped you become the person you have become. You can teach through your actions which speak the most volumes. You never know who you may be inspiring by you just being your authentic self. Your authenticity and living a life of happiness will encourage others to be their authentic selves.

Be sure to protect the flame of your burning desire by staying focused on it. Keeping the fire lit requires you to focus on why you are doing what you are doing, focus on your desired result, and in the end, you will be an example for others.

What flame has your focus?

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Cooperating Flames

Every person has ideas or goals that they are working toward accomplishing. A lot of the goals set require the cooperation of other people to reach it. Cooperation may come in different ways. It may occur through friends giving suggestions or ideas to push you forward toward the achievement if your definite purpose, customers being loyal to your business and coming back time and time again to spend money with you.

You can gain cooperation from others by being enthusiastic about what you have going on. It’s hard to convince someone to take an interest in the things you desire if you lack enthusiasm about the stuff yourself. Your excitement will be contagious to those around you and will draw them into where they will not mind helping you to succeed to reach your goals.

Providing exceptional service to your customers will have them coming back to receive the personalized service you render. Rendering quality service will have your current customers refer new customers that are in the market to become customers of yours. When the demand for your service grows your income grows and the more significant impact you can have on the lives of others.

No person has ever gained success without the cooperation of there people. The enthusiasm that you possess increases the chances of people that want to be in cooperation with you to reach your goals. Rendering quality service to your customers will have them continually cooperating with you. With all of this cooperation going on to your benefit be sure that you are in cooperation with others for the benefit of them as well.

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Fiery Habits

When you have decided on a goal that you want to achieve you will have to take inventory of your habits. While taking stock of your habits pay attention to the practices that do not align with your burning desire. Next, identify the things that you do that are not in alignment with your wants and replace them with things that are. Lastly, find healthy ways to reward yourself for making these positive changes.

The first thing you need is a goal. Having this goal will be what you are aiming for that sets the direction for your life. Once you have decided what your desire is, then you can look at the things that you regularly do and honestly ask yourself if this is helping me reach my goal or is this hindering me from achieving my goal.

Make a list of all of the things that you are currently participating in that hinder you from getting what you have set as your goal. It is easier to come up with solutions to obstacles if you know what they are — knowing what barriers that are holding you back have an opposite action that can be substituted and access the necessary thing that will have you accomplish what you have set out to do. If the opposite of your current habit will not be helpful to the obtainment of your burning desire, there is an aligned habit with your chosen goal that can be put in its place instead.

Celebrate your victories of eliminating destructive habits. You can be proud of yourself because some practices are tough to break. It will take repetition to completely rid yourself of some of the patterns that you have been engaged in for a long time. These are things that are to be celebrated but in healthy ways that will not lead to falling back into the old ways of doing things.

Have a goal that you want to achieve, take inventory of your habits, identify the things that you do that are not in alignment with your wants and replace them with things that are, and find healthy ways to reward yourself for making these positive changes.

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Living a Life That’s Lit

It will come a time when you will become conscious of what gets you lit, which means being truly happy and at peace. When you begin to walk in your purpose, you get to stay lit all of the time. You already know deep down inside the things that make you happy. Life happens, and outside forces try to keep you from doing what would bring you the most joy. From this moment forward you are going to maintain and protect your happiness. The time is now to light your internal fire like its never been before. To do so, you must choose your goal of what will make you happy, and this is your burning desire, you must have faith that your burning desire will manifest into this realm of reality, and a plan of action items for you to take to speed up the manifestation process.

Your burning desire is essential because without it you have no target for which you are aiming. Being lit is definitely out of the question if you do not settle upon a burning desire. Go deep within yourself to get in touch with what truly satisfies you. The things that bring you the most joy are closely related to your purpose. No one can answer this for you but you. Your happiness is your responsibility, and you must protect it if you want to keep it.

Faith is vital for the manifestation of your burning desire. Having faith is knowing that you will have whatever your burning desire may be. It is more than just believing. When it is present, you can feel the object you wish being had in the present and right now. When your faith is so strong that you can see it in your mind, you are most definitely getting lit. It will only be a matter of time before you will receive the burning desire that you decided. Your faith should drive you to take action.

Planning allows you to know what actions you are going to take to reach your goal. Having a plan should light a fire in you because with time and the continuous effort you are putting in working your plan. It also gives you a role to play in the manifestation process while your faith is drawing your burning desire closer to you. The bible says that faith without works is dead. I believe that to mean that faith alone will not manifest your desires. Once you have faith, it will make you plan out what you want to do to help make your burning desire a reality.

Again, the time is now to light your internal fire like its never been before. To do so, you must choose your goal of what will make you happy, and this is your burning desire, you must have faith that your burning desire will manifest into this realm of reality, and a plan of action items for you to take to speed up the manifestation process. I hope this has been helpful to you and you can apply this and live your best lit life.

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Keeping the Flame Alive

The way to keep the flame of your burning desire alive is through persistence. Cultivating a persistence state of mind is possible for anybody. The book Think and Grow Rich outlines four simple steps that lead to the habit of persistence. Time and effort are the only things needed to conquer these steps. They are a definite purpose backed by a burning desire for its fulfillment, a definite plan, expressed in continuous action, a mind closed tightly against all negative and discouraging influences, including negative suggestions of relatives, friends, and acquaintances, lastly a friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage you to follow through with both plan and purpose.

Having a definite purpose backed by a burning desire for its fulfillment is the first step towards cultivating a persistence state of mind within yourself, this means that you know what you what and have an intense desire to acquire what you want. Knowing what you want is essential to having persistence because it is what you started for in the first place. Some things take longer to get than others, so that is when you must keep your mind on what you want to persevere.

Having a definite plan, expressed in continuous action is the second step towards cultivating your persistence state of mind. Planning your work and working your plan allows for you to measure your progress as well as enable you to be able to adjust your plans if something is not working. The goal stays the same but plans may change. Keeping organized plans and updating your plans when needed will keep you going when things get tough.

Keeping your mind closed tightly against all negative and discouraging influences, including negative suggestions of relatives, friends, and acquaintances will cultivate your persistence state of mind. The people that are closest to you are sometimes the ones that try to keep you from going for the things that you want. Most of them are doing this in an attempt to protect you. Protect you from what you ask. They have fears and other hang-ups within themselves that make them believe that what you want to go for is not capable of being had. So, they want to protect you from disappointment if you do not achieve or receive what you want. If you have completed the first two steps, you can let them know that it is just a matter of time until you have what you want.

The final step is having a friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage you to follow through with both plan and purpose. The bible says where two or more gather in agreement the power of God will be there also. If working with someone to gain access to the power of God doesn’t cultivate a persistence state of mind for you, you may need to check your pulse. Having that extra person or persons there with you will also add to your willpower to push through tough times because you have some cheerleaders and helpmates.

Once you master the four steps, you will be able to keep any flame you light alive. You will have cultivated a persistence state of mind. You will have paid the time and effort dues that are required payments for its obtainment. Start now with a definite purpose backed by a burning desire for its fulfillment, a definite plan, expressed in continuous action, a mind closed tightly against all negative and discouraging influences, including negative suggestions of relatives, friends, and acquaintances, lastly a friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage you to follow through with both plan and purpose.

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A Burning Desire Like Wildfire

When you make up your mind and know what you want and develop a burning desire for it, your burning desire should spread like wildfire. When that desire starts burning, it will begin small but will grow with every day that you stay focused on it. The way that this happens is by setting goals that align with your burning desire, taking undistracted actions that will get you closer to reaching your goals, and faith that is inextinguishable.

Setting goals that align with your burning desire are as simple as defining what it is that you want. Once your burning desire’s goal is set you need to have a deadline for its accomplishment. After determining what it is that you desire and when you want it, you must decide what it is you are willing to do to get it.

Taking undistracted actions that will get you closer to your goals should come from laying out a plan. Once you have laid out the steps you are going to take, have a laser focus on working your plan. When you are attempting to make changes within yourself to reach your goals, potential distractions will bombard you. It is up to you to decide not to let the things that once got under your skin to not affect you any longer because it is something that is out of your control and being upset about something that you cannot change is unproductive.

Having faith that is inextinguishable accelerates the spreading of your burning desire. Igniting your belief with faith begins the process of magnetizing you and your goal. Every action that you take moves you another step, leap, or bound closer to what you have decided that you want. Faith is the knowledge that the things that you desire are already yours, it is just not in your possession at the moment, but with hard work, time, and patience it will be.

Remember, know what you want and develop a burning desire for it. Set your goals to align with your burning desire, taking undistracted actions that will get you closer to reaching your goals, and faith that is inextinguishable. Your burning desire will spread like wildfire.

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Running Toward Success and Running From Negativity

Earlier this year, I was invited to become a member of the Advisory Board for the Let Me Run organization. During the introductory meeting, all of the attendees were asked to go around and introduce themselves and answer the questions, “What are you running toward?” and, “What are you running away from?” I was sitting in the front of the room so I was the second person to go. Assuming you read the title, you already know what my answers were to the questions when I introduced myself. Take a peek to remind yourselves of it, if needed. Now, I will tell you why I gave the answers I did.

Running Toward Success

I answered, “What are you running toward?”, with “I am running toward success.” I choose to run toward success at all times. I continue running toward success, even when failures arrive because I see them as temporary. Failures are temporary because having enough knowledge, skills, and abilities we learn from failures and turn them into successes. There is at least one lesson to be learned from every failure. We have to be aware enough to recognize the lessons that our failures are attempting to teach us. If we do not recognize and learn the lessons; we are more than likely to continuously repeat that failure until we learn the lesson or quit and accept defeat, assuming that failure is permanent. I hope, we are all able to gain the wisdom needed to be able to learn from our failures and continue running toward success.

Running From Negativity

I answered, “What are you running away from?”, with “I am running away from negativity.” I choose to run away from negativity because success is achieved through a positive mental attitude. I run from negativity because it plants seeds of negative thoughts, that produce negative actions, that lead to negative results. In the same way, positivity plants seeds of positive thoughts, that produce positive actions, that lead to positive results. Think of our minds as gardens. We have to choose the purpose of our own gardens. Choosing the purpose of our gardens will help us decide the things we want to plant in our gardens. If we are not minding our gardens negativity will sprout
just like weeds and keep our garden from producing what we desired. I hope that we are all able to keep negativity out of our gardens.


When we are running toward success when failures knock us down we have to get up evaluate the failure learn the lesson the failure was teaching and continue running toward success. Running from negativity will allow us to focus on the things that we want in our gardens. If we are focused on our gardens we will recognize when the weeds of negativity sprout and get rid of them and far away from our minds garden.

Comment your answers!
What are you running toward?
What are you running away from?

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Desire is the Fire

Desire is always the starting point of all achievement. If we have a strong enough desire; we will begin to taking actions that will manifest our desires. Our desires should spark a curiosity that will have us researching, should make us analyze ourselves and put together a plan, and should make us execute the plan.

Sometimes, we have desires that we will not know how to get. Our desires should spark curiosity. Curiosity will force us to want to find out how to get what we desire. If we are curious enough we will research the things we desire. Today’s technology has made it easier for us to do the research step than ever before. We have tools like google. A google search will give us articles, videos, and pictures of whatever we want to know. We can find someone who has what we want to have or done what we want to do. We can also see what they did to get it or do it. We can now analyze the paths that our research suggests. From that information, we can determine the path that we want to take.

Once we have done our research, we should start planning out our steps to manifest our desires. To help with planning we have to analyze ourselves and what resources we have available to us. We can do a SWOT analysis of ourselves and our desires. We have to ask ourselves a few questions. What are our strengths that will help us get our desires? What are our weaknesses that need improving or get assistance from someone that has a strength in this area that will help us get our desires? What opportunities can we take advantage of that will help us get our desires? What are the threats that could prevent us from getting our desires? Knowing the answers to these questions will help us formulate a plan for success.

Following our research and planning, it is time to execute our plans and watch our desires manifest. We have to start planting the seeds from the research and analysis performed earlier. We have to take care of those seeds. Making sure that we do everything that is needed, so our seeds can become plants. When we have plants; we must give them regular attention. The plants we give the most attention to will continue to grow and begin to bear fruit. We can now enjoy the fruit of our desires. The best thing about the fruit of our desires is that they have new seeds inside of them. Be grateful for the process that it took to experience our desires.We can do this process over and over again.

Everything starts in the mind with an initial desire. The difference between a wish and desire is the action put behind the thought. Our desires will spark a curiosity that will have us researching, will make us analyze ourselves and putting together a plan, and will make us execute the plan.

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