A Burning Desire Like Wildfire

When you make up your mind and know what you want and develop a burning desire for it, your burning desire should spread like wildfire. When that desire starts burning, it will begin small but will grow with every day that you stay focused on it. The way that this happens is by setting goals that align with your burning desire, taking undistracted actions that will get you closer to reaching your goals, and faith that is inextinguishable.

Setting goals that align with your burning desire are as simple as defining what it is that you want. Once your burning desire’s goal is set you need to have a deadline for its accomplishment. After determining what it is that you desire and when you want it, you must decide what it is you are willing to do to get it.

Taking undistracted actions that will get you closer to your goals should come from laying out a plan. Once you have laid out the steps you are going to take, have a laser focus on working your plan. When you are attempting to make changes within yourself to reach your goals, potential distractions will bombard you. It is up to you to decide not to let the things that once got under your skin to not affect you any longer because it is something that is out of your control and being upset about something that you cannot change is unproductive.

Having faith that is inextinguishable accelerates the spreading of your burning desire. Igniting your belief with faith begins the process of magnetizing you and your goal. Every action that you take moves you another step, leap, or bound closer to what you have decided that you want. Faith is the knowledge that the things that you desire are already yours, it is just not in your possession at the moment, but with hard work, time, and patience it will be.

Remember, know what you want and develop a burning desire for it. Set your goals to align with your burning desire, taking undistracted actions that will get you closer to reaching your goals, and faith that is inextinguishable. Your burning desire will spread like wildfire.

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Desire is the Fire

Desire is always the starting point of all achievement. If we have a strong enough desire; we will begin to taking actions that will manifest our desires. Our desires should spark a curiosity that will have us researching, should make us analyze ourselves and put together a plan, and should make us execute the plan.

Sometimes, we have desires that we will not know how to get. Our desires should spark curiosity. Curiosity will force us to want to find out how to get what we desire. If we are curious enough we will research the things we desire. Today’s technology has made it easier for us to do the research step than ever before. We have tools like google. A google search will give us articles, videos, and pictures of whatever we want to know. We can find someone who has what we want to have or done what we want to do. We can also see what they did to get it or do it. We can now analyze the paths that our research suggests. From that information, we can determine the path that we want to take.

Once we have done our research, we should start planning out our steps to manifest our desires. To help with planning we have to analyze ourselves and what resources we have available to us. We can do a SWOT analysis of ourselves and our desires. We have to ask ourselves a few questions. What are our strengths that will help us get our desires? What are our weaknesses that need improving or get assistance from someone that has a strength in this area that will help us get our desires? What opportunities can we take advantage of that will help us get our desires? What are the threats that could prevent us from getting our desires? Knowing the answers to these questions will help us formulate a plan for success.

Following our research and planning, it is time to execute our plans and watch our desires manifest. We have to start planting the seeds from the research and analysis performed earlier. We have to take care of those seeds. Making sure that we do everything that is needed, so our seeds can become plants. When we have plants; we must give them regular attention. The plants we give the most attention to will continue to grow and begin to bear fruit. We can now enjoy the fruit of our desires. The best thing about the fruit of our desires is that they have new seeds inside of them. Be grateful for the process that it took to experience our desires.We can do this process over and over again.

Everything starts in the mind with an initial desire. The difference between a wish and desire is the action put behind the thought. Our desires will spark a curiosity that will have us researching, will make us analyze ourselves and putting together a plan, and will make us execute the plan.

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Working With Others


“Alone we can do little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

There are times that working with others will be necessary. To be successful we have to be able to interact with others and work on a common purpose. When working with others remembering the acronym TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) will allow us to put forth our best effort while working with others. People that work with others the best all share these characteristics: They are dependable and always deliver their share of the work. They are good communicators, they listen, effectively comprehend others and articulate their ideas well. They are cooperative, flexible and teachable. They are respectful, friendly and encouraging. If we all embody and display these characteristics we will be able to accomplish anything. Jim Rohn used to say, “If two or three agree on a common purpose nothing is impossible”.

Goal Setting is Necessary for Success


“A goal without a plan is just a dream”

If you have a desired outcome it would be beneficial to have a plan to help you reach that goal. That plan allows you to evaluate your progress, it lets you know how much further you have to go and also shows you what is and is not working. This is important because knowing what is not working gives you the chance to make corrections that will work. Once you have executed every part of your plan the outcome you have desired manifests itself in reality. Working your plan can be hard. Stay consistent in working your plan and never give up on accomplishing the desired outcome that got you started in the first place will have you enjoying the fruits of your labor.



Don’t Stop Running Toward Your Dreams

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Life is a marathon. Getting our dreams will call for us to have endurance. We must never stop running to get what we really dream and desire. We must keep that dream alive by continuing to run in the direction of that dream. Pain will be involved and the body will want to stop but we must use our minds to make the body keep running when there is nothing left. The only thing that remains is the dreams that we have, faith that we will liver our dreams and the momentum that we have gained by running in the right direction. It will almost be like we are running down hill. We can put the mind in control of the body like putting the body on autopilot. Our minds will get us to our dreams without us really having to do anything. The desire in our minds will start attracting the help and support needed for us to live out our dreams. The person we are in our dream can be us in reality as long as we do not stop running toward our dreams. I will let you run toward your dreams. Let me run toward my dreams. We may reach our dreams at different times and that is okay. We will still see each other at the finish line no matter who gets there first.

See you at the top.

Reinvent Yourself

All of us are stars. Some of us are unaware of that. If we reinvent ourselves into the stars who we truly are then we can inspire others to be the stars who they truly are. Do not be afraid of being seen doing something good that other people will not do at all. When others see us perform acts of kindness it triggers something that ignites an urge within them that makes them want to perform an act of kindness of their own. Let’s shine bright today so that we can show others how to shine as well.

Asking for what you want the right way


There are a lot of people who want more than what they currently have. Out of those people only a few truly get what they want. The reason only a few people get what they want is because they know how to ask for what they want. Matthew 7:7-8 states, “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek , and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. There are a lot of people who are not even asking for what they want. There are also a lot of people not asking for what they want correctly; in order to get what they want. The people who are incorrectly asking for what they want are asking for what they have to be replaced with something better. They might complain about what they currently have and how they want more. They might sound something like this when they are asking, ” I’m tired of this old car, it hardly works, I’m embarrassed to be seen in it, I just want a new car”. Instead it should go and sound something like this, “Thank you , for everything that I have because I know I could have less than this and there are people who would be happy to have what I have, continue to keep me as You always do and bless me with a 7 series BMW (or whatever you desired choice)”.  One has to see themselves in the possession of what they really want and find joy in thinking about having the objects of their desires before even having it. They must treat and drive the old car as if it was the car that they desire. Mark 11:24 states, “Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive [them], and ye shall have [them]”. For the people who are not even asking, gain the courage to start to ask for what you want in the correct way because you really deserve to have everything you want. There is an abundance of resources for everyone to have what they want because we are all different and want different things. There is enough for you to have exactly what you want. From this day forward practice asking for what you want the right way.